1. When changing the water in my globe the stem broke off…I’d like to replace the rose …is there something I need to do to a new rose before putting it in the globe?

    1. If the stem of your Desert Rose broke off, and you want to replace it with a new rose, here are some steps you can follow to ensure a successful transplant:

        Choose a healthy rose cutting: Select a fresh cutting from a healthy Desert Rose plant. The cutting should be around 6 to 8 inches long and preferably taken from the end of a branch. Ensure that the cutting has a few sets of leaves.

        Allow the cutting to callus: Before placing the cutting in water or soil, allow the cut end to callus over. This can take a few days to a week. Callusing helps prevent rotting and promotes successful rooting.

        Rooting hormone (optional): You may dip the callused end of the cutting in rooting hormone if you have it available. Rooting hormone can enhance the chances of successful root development.

        Plant the cutting: Once the cutting has callused, plant it in a well-draining potting mix. Use a pot with drainage holes to prevent overwatering. Insert the cutting about an inch or two into the soil.

        Watering: Water the cutting lightly after planting, and then keep the soil slightly moist but not waterlogged. Too much water can lead to rot, so be cautious with watering.

        Provide warmth and humidity: Place the pot in a warm location with indirect sunlight. High humidity can also aid in the rooting process, so you can cover the pot with a clear plastic bag or use a mini greenhouse setup.

        Be patient: Rooting can take several weeks, so be patient and monitor the cutting regularly. Once you notice new growth and roots forming, it indicates that the cutting has successfully rooted.

      After the new rose cutting has established roots and growth, you can consider transferring it to your globe. Be sure to provide the proper care and environmental conditions to help your Desert Rose thrive and potentially produce beautiful flowers.

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